Eliana's Home Page

Eliana's Home Page

Hi! I'm Eliana Michelle Lauder, release 2.0 of Lauder Partners line of integrated progeny. Welcome to my parents' latest creative expression.

Despite having been born way back on April 25th, 1997 at 3:14 pm, my parents still consider me to be their baby. Supposedly, their parents regard them the same way too.

I was born weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces, a whopping 6 ounces more than my brother, Josh, but I don't believe in sibling rivalry. Josh is a hard act to follow.

My mommy, Laura Heller Lauder, loves to take photographs (know what I mean? Click click. Say no more.) Here is a small sampling of her vast and growing collection.

Since I had neither an umbilical cord around my neck, nor a silver spoon in my mouth, I spoke at a much earlier age than Josh. He waited a minute or two after birth, but I was much more punctual.

My parents believe in incentives and disincentives. They also believe in cable modems and high speed connectivity. Some suggestions to help you do so are: ICTV, Hybrid Networks, Terayon, and WebTV. For the first three choices, you need to be able to influence your local cable operator.

But I digress. My life consists of sleeping, breast feeding, rarely crying and never barfing. I seem to have inherited my daddy's one-way esophagus...unlike Josh.

I have the proud distinction of creating the first non-same-sex sibling in Lauder family history. My parents hope that that's the last of my rebelliousness...so they obviously don't remember being teenagers.



Site design by CTC / May, 1997 / Eliana Lauder